Basic Statistical Process Control |
Process stability begins when people realize some variation is natural in every process. Understanding that producing the highest quality at the lowest cost comes from constantly striving to reduce the amount of variation. This program covers the basic concepts and tasks of collecting data, calculating values and constructing control charts. And it goes a step further, by explaining how to use SPC data to uncover problems, then apply basic techniques to analyze those problems, giving you useful solutions.
Program Contents:
SPC and Stability
- SPC's Advantages vs. quality control by inspection
- The importance of a stable process in manufacturing.
- What variation is and why it’s a problem in manufacturing.
- Using a histogram to measure the variation in a process.
- Types of patterns of variation, what they tell you and what to do about them.
- Measures of variation and how to use them.
Introduction to Control Charts
- What control charts are and why they are used.
- Common elements of all control charts.
- Variation and attribute control charts. Which do you use and when.
- How to use control charts
Process Capability
- What process capability means and why its important.
- Measuring process capability: the capability ratio, process capability index and Cpk.
Using SPC to uncover and analyze problems
Who Should Attend:
- Operators, engineers, supervisors, and managers who will be using control charts in their jobs .
Program Duration and Cost:
One-day program, $395.